A twist to tipping.
I've been catching these counter-jockeys off guard when they've been spinning the POS device around to passively demand a tip. I've been asking them "How much of a tip do you want for handing me a donut from the shelf?" If they say, "Huh?" or they hesitate... Nuup! Too late! You just cost yourself a tip. Thanks for playing. We'll try again next time.
I figure that if they feel like they're OWED a tip, they should know the amount that they want. I can't give them free money AND figure out how much they should get. I expect them to make a case for the amount of money that they're expecting/requesting.
And that starts the conversation of whether or not a tip is even appropriate. That's when we can start talking about tipping culture and if there's something wrong with me as a customer or if there's more wrong with the company that could be paying them more.