Why don't people talk in this game?


I'm really starting to wonder why are people so un-social inside the game. I've played MMOs on and off for like 15 years, going from 4story to lineage 2 to wow to ffxiv, and in most of those games if you were in a party with some people they would sometime chit-chat a bit, or at least say "gg" if we beat a dungeon game. In TL, I find that 95% of players don't even say a word. I've even joined a guild and out of 50+ members, I swear I've only seen like 3 or 4 ever use the guild chat.

Is this a generational thing? Is this the effect of the tiktok brainrot on MMO players? Is there some kind of untold social etiquette I'm not aware of in newer MMOs?