After this past week I know what I want now…
As much as I want and respect a lot of the new guys on n the ticket, I’m sorry. Cumulus is dying. The ticket is dying.
I’ve been subscribe to the dumb sine, and they have had Mike and danny on, and dude. It’s the dream, they can cuss and don’t have to bleep anything and man.
🧍♂️ m sorry, but cumulus is hibesrku the way le grandpa that refuses to move on or adapt to newer generations, and Jake and Dan and Blake saw it and took it.
The ticket won’t. Eveycoey in the ticket has a contract that isn’t ending, but I guarantee you when it’s over, they are all gonna leave, and they’re all gonna podcast or something, he’ll, they may all fucking join the dumzone, and the ticket is over. I feel terrible for all the new guys filling in and whatever, or thought they would have a long time career there. But radio was already dying when they were in college and got an internship. Trust me I’ve been there lol, I had to change majors when I was a year way graduating cause my shit dropped off in three years and wasn’t the best pay grade or whatever. Literally all the new guys at 1310 are so fucking screwed and it sucks, cause I grew to like them.
But I want dumbaone to pick up Monty for sure.
The dumbaone with take off. I hate to say it, I’m a newer person to the ticket, maybe 5 year losterner. I like Matt and Donny, but idk, it’s literally the worst show and I love Donny when he’s with the right people, I grew to love Matt. They both have a place somewhere. But the ticket is honestly dead.