Is Jackie Jr.'s death scene intentionally directed to look shitty?
Why is this scene cut and edited in such a weird jarring way? Jackie's just kinda walking, then Vito awkwardly stumbles into shot, shoots Jackie in the head with the tiniest prop gun they could find, and then it does this awkward cut as he just flops onto the snow like a mannequin. It doesn't even look like he fell down where he was shot. Then it ends with an establishing shot as Vito barely fits his fat ass in the car and drives away at 2mph. All in complete silence.
Additionally, Jackie somehow didn't notice Vito 'coming up from behind', and apparently no other witnesses saw or heard this murder on the street in the snow in broad daylight with an unsilenced gun.
Is this intentional or was it just like rushed? I ask this because no other scene in the show that's meant to be real-life feels like this. There's so many weird things to point out that I have to ask if it was intentional. It almost feels like a dream sequence.