About To Confess To My(16F) Crush(16M), I'm Absolutely Terrified.

To make a long story short, I'm in grade 11 and have had a crush on the same guy for about a year and a half. We used to be pretty good friends (when we had classes together). When we were friends, I never really realized I liked him until we stopped talking. After we stopped talking, we continued to snap back and forth, until, we began playing that stupid snap game where one of us leaves the other on delivered so the other does it for longer. I eventually got really annoyed and left him on opened. Then, in a moment of weakness, a few months later, I snapped him again, to which he left me on opened. Then, like four months later, he snapped me out of the blue and promptly left me on opened, so, I unadded him. It was immature and juvenile but whatever. That all happened MONTHS ago. Recently, I found out he hangs out with my really close guy friend. So, naturally, I ranted about how much I liked him to said friend. my friend said he could get me an opportunity to start something maybe. So, my girl friends and I came up with a weird, but straight-to-the-point plan. My guy friend, at the next gathering, would just walk up to him and tell him I like him, and we'll see what he does. Well, he did that four days ago, and, RIGHT after my friend told him, my crush added me on snap again. We've been snapping back and forth with nothing, and, knowing him, I'm gonna have to make the first move. So, tomorrow, I'm going to text him simply just saying that I know he knows and asking what he thinks about it. My problem is that I'm completely terrified and don't even know if I have a chance. Please help, any advice please.

EDIT: Friend thinks it's worth mentioning that my crush isn't particularly attractive to a lot of people(I think he's adorable) and I've never heard him talk about or interact with any girls who weren't me or one of the girls we'd sit with in class, so he's not exactly experienced(i don't think).