Ex SB reached out
We didn’t end well. It was really hard for me to move on but I finally did. I never blocked her.
Last week, she sent me a text saying she has a lot of bills to pay after Christmas, and her work is slow (apparently, she started working. She didn’t work after Covid and was fully relying on sugar, she is in mid 40s). When we were together, I would send her via PayPal (that I created with some random name for opsec). When we broke up, she said she deleted her PayPal because she didn’t want to have any memory associated with me and she was using PayPal only to get sugar from me.
Anyways, she sent me a text asking if I could help her a little. I said what are you looking for? She said if you can buy gift cards from my company (her sole proprietorship) for a couple xxx, she will get money. I thought a couple xxx isn’t big so I said okay. She sent me a legit invoice for gift cards, and it was asking me to pay using my credit card on her website. So I said “I am not comfortable using my card but if PayPal was option I would have purchased. But I can send you some other gift card that you need for your expenses.” She said food gift cards like Sobeys. I was like okay. I purchased the eCard myself and sent to her so I knew she really will use it for food expenses. She said thank you and all. Then she started to chat casually for a bit.
In evening, she asked how was my day etc. when I asked her what you did today. She said she went for tanning, pole dance classes and shopping at Sephora today. And I was thinking to myself didn’t she say she didn’t have money to buy food just this morning only? 🤔
Then, she randomly texted me saying “if I knew you’d always use PayPal or cash, it would have been a deciding factor for me and I’d never have started an SR with you last year.” I never responded after that text. Made me realize some people can never be grateful. I had supported her with $xx,xxx even after our break-up and now also, sent her this because she said she doesn’t have money to buy food.
Not sure what I’m looking for here, but was very frustrated this evening. I’m better now though.