Payouts are WILDLY inconsistent for the effort involved.
I reached 2.8 million auec in a few hours just repeating the "Kill the King" mission near Pyro V. I believe this isn't the only mission of this type where you can simply fly up to an outpost, shoot a single target from your ship, and earn 60k within a minute or two.
I used the 2.8 auec million to buy a Drake vulture and do some salvage, which I genuinely enjoy. FInding people's abandoned vehicles, breaking into them, disabling the shields and scraping the hull. Not to mention the old metal panels method in stanton. Problem is that the money you can make salvaging is NOTHING in comparison to repeating "Kill the King" over and over... Selling 12scu of RMC pays me ~120k auec and takes the better part of an hour to find, scrape and offload the material, the entire time I risk losing it all. Kill the king pays out 60K, I can do TWO of them for the same ~120k auec in like 4-5 minutes, I can do it in my aurora and I don't risk losing anything.
Not only do these simple missions blow salvage out of the water in terms of reward for investment, they are significantly better than ANY other mission i have found in pyro. Why would I go to a derelict outpost and kill EVERYONE there for 30k, when I can go to a derelict outpost and shoot a single person for 60k?? Who decided that those should be the payouts for these missions? Why would I go to an asteroid base and dogfight ships near it for 30k when I can go shoot a single person for 60k?
Seems to me like the only money making method better than "Kill the King" is possibly stealing and selling boatloads of drugs that you can loot from some bounties / the 200k salvage contract like I have seen online? Or maybe buying and selling certain commodities legally? It has really put a damper on my motivation to enage with salvage or some of the FPS missions, which I genuinely enjoy.
Curious if other people are experiencing the same thing?