Parents limiting my screen time but its not fair

I am a grade 11 student(next year g.c.e o/l).my parents yell at me often that I'm "addicted to digital devices". I only get my laptop once a week for 1 hour and I play games. If I try to take the laptop on any other day to game my parents always say no and the forcefully shut it off. I tried talking to them to increase my time limit for 2 days a week for 1 hour each day but they ended up fighting with me. The day befor yesterday i asked them if i could buy a retro game console for 8000 rupees i had saved and They said no. Once i asked for a phone they said no phone until a/l. They mentally make me feel ashamed telling that I will fail o/l . can my parents control my screen time because they always lock my laptop in the car and hide the TVs power cable so I have nothing to do when I get back from school.

Is this fair guys??

edit: I did this during my 1 hour