First Snake, just making sure I have EVERYTHING!
So, I'm 17 and my mother said I can go ahead and get a Kenyan Sand Boa finally, and I just wanted to make sure that I had everything I needed for it to be comfortable, and if I'm missing anything you guys could link me it!
List so far:
Heating: Zilla 10-20 Gallon Terrarium Heat Mat, BN-Link Digital Heat Mat Thermostat, And I've heard multiple different opinions on whether I should do a heat lamp as well, if so any ideas?
Enclosure: 10 Gallon, planning to upgrade to a 20 Gallon sooner or later
Bedding: I've read that either Lizard Litter completely or a 50/50 between Lizard Litter and Aspen would be the best for them
Hides and Accessories: I have a nice Stoney dessert Hide and Water Bowl that I'm gonna order and use, but I'm not too sure what else they'd like so I'm open to ideas on this as well.