Vail asked me to fill out a survey about my experience there last week, my first time back there in 25+ years. I had some things to say...

How likely are you to recommend Vail to a friend?

$20 for a grilled cheese sandwich? $17 for a tomato soup? $19 for a snickers bar, cliff bar, and a water? And this is after spending $230 or so per day for three days of skiing (thank god I bought 10 days in advance or it would have been $350/day. WTF?)

You and your pricing model have ruined the best thing a human can do with his clothes on by unleashing your corporatized profit-sucking hydra upon the entire industry and leaving people like me -- who do not live near your overcrowded mountains, who are not sure when, where, or how much they will ski prior to the season, and who are not willing to provide you an interest free working capital loan by buying the epic pass in advance -- with few options in our quest to blockade and boycott Vail Resorts Incorporated. I skied Vail because when a friend invites you to stay on his couch and ski with him, you do it. But I did it under protest. Yes, the terrain is stellar, and yes, the bowls are legendary; I used to love them in the 90s before you broke bad. But the current situation? Not likely at all.

Please tell us anything else you would like us to know about your experience skiing Vail.

Stop catering to the global 1% leisure class. Stop making people feel like you are fleecing them at every possible corner because you are. The airline yield-management pricing schemes are not something to emulate; they are the cornerstone of an industry that is more overtly hostile to its customers than any other. Make this about skiing. Charge a price. Make it reasonable. Stick to it, and for god's sake do not punish skiers because they don't live in your trade area, are not the global elite, and just want to shred some damn pow on a nice day when they can.