It's unbelievable at this point.

This is my fist post on this subreddit, and quite frankly I'm about to boil over. I am so fucking sick of the daily heightism I face in school and at work. I am 5'3 1/4" for context. I am in college, and every time I go to parties all the girls talk and take pictures with me but it's like a fucking novelty to them. Like, "ooh look at this short guy at the party. he takes care of himself, has a job, gets good grades, so I'm going to take a selfie with him because he looks like a dwarf and then go fuck Chad who's 6'4". This is what I experience all the time. Seriously so fed up with it. Considering several surgeries and / or medical procedures at this point, I just want to be able to enjoy my life to the fullest.