Never had an xray for scoliosis
As far as I'm aware, I have scoliosis. Years ago I went to a doctor for back pain, this doctor had me lean over and then she looked at how my spine went down my back and told me I have scoliosis. I was never sent for an x-ray to figure out the extent. Is that weird? Every once in a while I have the thought "Am I just lying? Do I actually have scoliosis? Was that a formal diagnosis?" I see a private osteopath every few weeks, and I try to exercise daily to keep things moving.
Obviously I can't see my own spine, but I do often wonder how "severe" it is. I can turn my body right a lot easier than left, and part of my exercise is dance and for the life of me I cannot do a body roll going left. One shoulder is higher than the other.
Is it normal to be diagnosed in a quick doctor's appointment and not referred for an x-ray?
If I asked for one I highly doubt they'd give me one. Waiting lists are pretty long...
This post is a bit of a mess, sorry. My neck is hurting quite a bit and I'm a bit miserable over it