"Thematic" Historical RPGs

Hey folks, I've recently come to realize that I really love historical RPGs. However, I find it difficult to get into stuff like Mythras and other such "generic" systems because I find that they don't quite capture the feel of a historical setting or a literary historical setting in the way that systems specifically designed for that do.

For example, I find that Pendragon is very specifically designed to feel like a cross between gritty historical medieval England and Arthurian romantic literature and its various mechanics—like traits, passions, melancholy, madness, misery, honor, glory, etc.—are all really well suited to capturing that experience and making the system feel like the setting.

To a lesser extent, I find that Vaesen as a system is really good for feeling like Nordic horror. It's not as brutal of a system as cosmic horror systems but the way its Fear tests and stuff work feel quite appropriate for lower-key folkloric horror

Finally, I really like Call of Cthulhu, but with a caveat: I like it as a character focused game, not an investigation game. When the game really focuses on the characters, their SAN decline, and how that affects their relationships, I find it perfectly evokes the feeling of cosmic horror (even if not exactly Lovecraft's original stories) quite well.

In these last two, the system doesn't even feel like an Industrial Revolution or the 1920s, but it feels like it has a thematic focus. I'm looking for more historical games like these where the system really captures the themes of the game really well, and has a great historical setting to go along with it. Bonus points if it's like Pendragon with the historical setting baked into the system.

Stuff I own or have on my radar: Delta Green (BRP-style), Sagas of the Icelanders (PBTA), Honor and Intrigue, Pirate Borg, Blood and Honor…

I would especially love a Viking game whose mechanics really make you FEEL like a Viking.