1966-1970: Red Barn Restaurant Breakfast Menu, Gilford, New Hampshire. What are you in the mood for??

Quick facts:

✔️ Red Barn was a fast-food chain that started in 1961 in Springfield, Ohio, and grew to 300-400 locations in the U.S., Canada, and Australia.

✔️ It was famous for its barn-shaped buildings and menu items like the Big Barney and Barnbuster burgers.

✔️ The chain closed by the mid-1980s, but some locations operated independently for a while under different names.

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— Avery & Gilda, Moderators r/RetroMenus

Quick facts:

✔️ Red Barn was a fast-food chain that started in 1961 in Springfield, Ohio, and grew to 300-400 locations in the U.S., Canada, and Australia.

✔️ It was famous for its barn-shaped buildings and menu items like the Big Barney and Barnbuster burgers.

✔️ The chain closed by the mid-1980s, but some locations operated independently for a while under different names.

Like and share! Join r/RetroMenus to explore historic menus. Your support keeps history alive.

— Avery & Gilda, Moderators r/RetroMenus