I broke my boyfriends laptop

I feel soo bad right now. I broke my boyfriend's laptop by attempting to slam it closed, but his hand was in the way and it messed up the LCD.

My boyfriend 25M, and I 25F have been together for 3 years. I've just started getting back into the groove of frequently cooking after having our baby 3 months ago. I decided to make a time consuming dinner and my boyfriend's favourite dessert to go with it.

I was exhausted as I was cooking while on my online class and tending to our baby. I had my boyfriend change our babies diaper and I later noticed he did not put the things away. He even had a blanket with poop on it thrown in the bassinet instead of in the hamper. On multiple occasions I have asked him to put everything away when he's done instead of leaving it for me to do.

Today my boyfriend told me multiple times how great dinner was and how he realized he should do more for me since I was putting in so much effort. When I asked him to fix everything back, he took his sweet time. When he finally did it, he did it sloppy, put things in the wrong place, and knocked stuff over. When I asked him to fix it, he said there was nothing to be fixed.

I tried to let it go, but the anger due to this being a daily occurrence (and me being so tired) was getting to me. I ended up telling him his behaviour and lack of cleaning up after himself was making me feel like I didn't want to put in as much effort for him. Instead of apologizing or fixing the items, he told me he'd just do things himself (cook, etc...). This fueled my anger.

I ended up telling him in a very rude tone mixed with a couple of f bombs to fix the items. Eventually he listened, but I went on to explain that l don't like to have to talk to him like that and I tried to communicate more about the issue and why it bothered me, but his eyes were glued to his laptop and he was not paying any attention to what I was saying.

At this point, I felt my anger go over the edge and l attempted to slam his laptop closed, it hit his hand (not hard enough to hurt his hand) and immediately he kind of chuckled and asked what was wrong with me, then he looked at his laptop and his smile dropped. The LCD screen was broken.

He immediately stopped talking, closed the laptop and went to bed. Now I feel super bad, but part of me feels like it wouldn't have got to that if he would’ve just paid some attention to what I was saying.

I am definitely going to cover the costs to fix it or buy a new laptop, but I just feel so bad. Was I completely in the wrong here? I've never destroyed property, that's not my style, but l've also never been so upset with him. There's more that has contributed to this feeling, but this is just What set me over the edge.

TL;DR: my boyfriend and I got into an argument and I was tired after cooking, attending class online and tending to our baby all at the same time. I asked him to clean up after himself after the changed the baby, but he played incompetent and didn’t bother to look up from his laptop as I spoke to him. After asking multiple times and talking and being ignored, I felt angry and tried to slam his laptop closed but his hand was in the way and the impact from hitting his hand damaged the LCD screen (his hand was not hurt in the process). I feel really bad and don’t know if it’s completely my fault, and I am unsure how I should feel. Part of me feels bad, part feels like he played a part in it too.