Hahahah. I knew these fucking wankers would turn on each other eventually, thought they could hold it together for at least a few months though.

Farage has been trying to do a Le Pen. Reimagining the far right as a respectable, relatable and ostensibly moderate force; all well dressed and circumspect in their racism. For that to work he can't associate with the likes of Tommy Robinson, who represents the pissed up, coked up, football hooligans who, at one point, made Saturdays a living hell for anyone who lived near a football ground.

He was on the BBC this morning defending Musk as a free speech absolutist who just wants what's best for this country. Turns out an autistic foreign saffa may not be the solid bedfollow an aspiring PM may need.


Take your wins when you can get em

Farage has been trying to do a Le Pen. Reimagining the far right as a respectable, relatable and ostensibly moderate force; all well dressed and circumspect in their racism. For that to work he can't associate with the likes of Tommy Robinson, who represents the pissed up, coked up, football hooligans who, at one point, made Saturdays a living hell for anyone who lived near a football ground.

He was on the BBC this morning defending Musk as a free speech absolutist who just wants what's best for this country. Turns out an autistic foreign saffa may not be the solid bedfollow an aspiring PM may need.


Take your wins when you can get em