Heather’s idea to reveal awful things one cast member has said about another, on their phone,is the worst idea in housewife history!
Why didn’t any of them speak up & say no, I’m not playing that game!? This is so dumb!!!! I thought Heather had more sense than that. None of them will forget the awful remarks made about them. I didn’t even want to watch. It was beyond cringe it was painful. I’d rather cringy than painful. And we saw how it ended. Gee thanks Heather what a great idea. I’m glad Heather apologized. She needs to tell all the women she’s sorry but it will change nothing. The harm is done.
I can see me at my next cocktail party saying let’s play a game. Let’s look on our phones and tell someone the terrible things we said about them to another friend isn’t that a great game?! Not!