My parents think they’re wonderful and they suck.

Hey everyone 21M here. My parents still try to control every aspect of my life! I have NEVER smoke drink or do drugs or been arrested. I graduated with a 3.0 almost 3.1 GPA in high school. I work 35 hour weeks. My parents still are not letting me have that many freedoms and it’s gotten to a point of where I will probably go no contact with them once I move out. If I hangout with friends they have to have updates on EVERY single thing we do. If I don’t do that they say you have a lot of growing up do. Isn’t a part of growing up being able to do things independently. My curfew is 12:00 unless I sleep over at a buddies house( they still have to know what we’re doing and every detail like I’m 10 years old. It’s affected my relationship with girlfriends and friends. As a child none of my friends wanted to hangout or play basketball at my house because of my parents being so uptight about everything. I’ve made the claim to my parents that they chose to have me and I didn’t chose to have them as my parents.

Best example of how controlling they are is a case with my ex now girlfriend. Who was having a bad week and vented to me about it. She specifically asked me to not tell anyone about her situation. My mom asked what was wrong with her and I said. “It’s between her and myself” she then got super offended by me not telling her what was going on with her. I then proceeded to tell her “what she told me isn’t really your business. You’re not entitled to know what she told me. She took this very personal proceeded to yell at me.