Have genuinely been reacting to my mom as if she’s just her 8 year old traumatized self
I used to let my mom get to me quite easily. Which is okay if that’s where you’re at, this stuff isn’t easy to navigate. But it was just a perpetual cycle of me feeding into her awful behavior, and her feeding into my reactions and enjoying that she could control me. Listed to a great podcast (I can link if interested) when it hits you of how traumatized the narcissist had to have been as a child to treat you so poorly. Using compassion now = minimal reaction from me because I know it’s this hurt person whose highly dysfunctional
Edit: link : https://open.spotify.com/episode/4jYvCUiHRyKUpETRzbxwHB?si=2Bcxe1JNR7yRRsAEUWfW6g
Also too I like using what I’ve learned above with boundaries too want to note. This “Compassion” lens does not mean you’re a punching bag. Walk away. Verbalize when the narc is being hurtful. But using this POV, it creates emotional distance for me