Was Astarion always written as only manipulating Tav for sex?

*with sex, sorry

He has a similar desciption for the goblins party.

So this desciption (from the datamined files) of Astarion at the tielfings' party made me really think about it. It really is written as though it is from Astarion's perspective, but it gives NO hint and no acting directions to the fact that he is only seducing Tav for protection. It's as though he really is doing it for his own hedonistic side and his own pleasure. Between this and his constant comments about sex in Act 1, it really made me wonder if he was always written like he is in the release version of the game. And yes, I know about the devnotes for his night with Origin Karlach, but this is exactly what makes such a striking contrast. The devnotes for Karlach's origin openly talk about him not wanting sex, contrary to what we have here.

You may say - he did enjoy sex with Tav, that's the whole point in the current game! Well, yes, but then what's even the point of his confession in Act 2? Astarion never seriously promised any feelings to Tav or any relationship. He is pretty open about the fact that it's only about sex: "the only thing on my mind is carnal lust"/"We had a lot of fun, but I've never expected anything more than that". If Astarion really did this to have fun, then the whole point of him manipulating the player in Act 1 ceases to exist.

And I guess now I see the point people were making about datamined files. I guess people were right - this is the reason why devnotes can't be taken as 100% canon, even though they can certainly give an insight into Larian's intentions. Because a lot of stuff in the datamined files is actually outdated and is no longer in line with the current version of the game.