Finally finished the Mars Trilogy

Read Red Mars in 2017, then for some reason decided to go back and read everything Kim Stanley Robinson wrote in publication order (I was on a kick doing things like that), and thus finally got to Green Mars and Blue Mars this year.

Found the trilogy to be very enjoyable in the big picture. The scope and detail of the world(s) he imagines are amazing. I’m a fan of the game Terraforming Mars, and various story elements that appear in the game lended a familiarity to the novels.

But the science. Detailed in a way that did not contribute to the story at times. Combine that with most of the action (at least in Blue Mars) happening between chapters, I can see why some are not fans.

Side note: The Wild Shore, Icehenge and Red Mars were my favorites in my early KSR read. I found The Memory of Whiteness almost unreadable. I have several other of his novels but at a glance, they all seem in the Mars vein. Anyone have recommendations for his works after Blue Mars?