I'm honestly surprised that there aren't more dinosaur-related books in print sci fi

Since Jurassic Park back in the 90s, it seems like dinosaurs have never really gone away in terms of popularity. The new Jurassic World movies, as crappy as they are, still make a shit ton of money and the recent consensus on Apple TV's Prehistoric Planet shows that dinos are still as popular and fascinating as ever. They just seem like one of those evergreen, forever in vogue subjects that people love exploring.

Which is why it's weird to me just how little dino representation there is when it comes to books. I can't even really think of another fiction novel outside of Jurassic Park/The Lost World that had any kind of popularity or success.

I suppose it's probably pretty hard to actually have a scenario where using dinosaurs is viable? You pretty much just two choices. Go the JP route and have people resurrect dinos in the modern world or have some kind of time travel involved where people travel back to the past to encounter them. The latter can definitely be done - if anyone remembers that Terra Nova show from a few years ago, it had a really promising setup and premise before devolving into lame family drama.

I'm surprised more authors haven't taken a stab at it as it seems pretty ripe for exploration in print. I'm sure you could probably come up with some time travel or alternate dimension excuse to justify having dinos and just leave it at that.

What are your thoughts on this? Would you like to see more dinosaurs in print media? What do you think is a good way to have a premise with dinos?