The level of premed entitlement has just got to stop…
I understand that maybe a good portion of this is just from people venting or airing out frustrations. but seeing premeds complaining about “being taken advantage of” or “being underpaid” with offers of $15-20/hr wages working as a scribe or health care office managing just because they feel pressured to get clinical or work experience. Stop. You literally don’t even have a bachelors degree yet (majority of these people are still working on their degree), or most of them are just applying for their first job post college. and they’re complaining about “being underpaid at $20 per hour”. I’m hearing things like “they need to offer at least $30-35 as a livable wage”. What?!? Did you truly expect them to pay a 20 year old with little experience who is doing relatively unskilled office work a wage that is equivalent to a $62K-72K annual salary starting out for doing things that amount essentially to basic clinical office management?
You guys are either out of touch or entitled out of your asses. $15-20 is a fair wage for an entry level position. Helping with office scheduling, scribing, rooming patients, taking basic vitals, copying/filing/scanning paperwork is all important, and a necessary role. but it’s not something that you pay a 20 year old $62-72K a year to do. That’s absurd.
Source: a current intern in residency who had scribed in college and worked in an office setting as a medical assistant during my gap years before going to med school. Y’all are so out of touch it’s not even funny. You guys are the ones who remind me of classmates in med school that complained to the admin that “it’s not fair. In 3rd and 4th year, we’re pretty much paying tuition to work for free full-time on our clinical rotations. We deserve a stipend for the work that we do since it brings in revenue to the hospital. We’re doing the doctors work” No you’re not, the attendings and residents are always looking and correcting the student notes, making adjustments to the plan, putting in the actual orders, and doing proper billing. You know what? Maybe it’s a trend - a higher proportion of people on this path are just to be entitled and out of touch. I did hear a doctor say the other day that they deserve at least 320K instead of 240K salary because of the public health improvements that they think they’re directly involved with since they’re doing primary care clinic.
TLDR: a lot of you premeds need to reflect and stop being so damn entitled. Maybe y’all need to take a look and understand the idea of an entry level job or the idea of working not necessarily being easy.
Or maybe y’all just grew up so rich and your concept of money is just so far removed from the real world that this really does feel criminally underpaid to you