Panic Buying
Is the death of this hobby. It isn't the scalpers, the streamers, the distributors or the printers. It's you. It's me. It's people afraid of missing out on nothing more than a gamble. When you see that absurd price and you know in your gut it's a poor decision, but you overspend anyway after convincing yourself the chase is in front of you and you'll never have this chance again. If you think of retail price as the middle ground, we are losing territory with each over priced purchase. The community is effectively saying "these prices are okay" by our actions. There's a lot of us saying "that's too costly, I'll just miss out" but there's even more of us actually spending the money and fueling the problem. Back when I was younger, I was taught a little about bullies after having to deal with several of them in school. And that's what this hobby reminds me of lately, kids being bullied. I was told the bullies need your response in order to continue bullying you, and that was their whole mission; to get a reaction out of you. When you learn to ignore the bullies, they learn to get a response out of someone else instead of you. If only there was a way that as a community we could band together and straight up ignore the bullies until they just decide to go do something else with their time. I know that setting aside a hobby such as this is more than a big ask. It pains me to consider it. But it really feels like the solution we need is to ignore these morons rather than trying to "outsmart" or "outbuy" them somehow. The bullies I'm referring to are only here for money. They don't care about anyone's hobby. If we can stop allowing the money to flow their way they'll eventually just go look for the next convenient fix. Don't make it convenient for them anymore!