What cards going out of rotation do you think will get newer(/weaker) versions?

So with the next rotation around the corner Ive been thinking. We've had a few cards in the TCGs history with similar effects. This means its possible that some of the big meta contenders may be in for a reprint (Though i doubt they'll be the same pokemon/As strong) One thing I came across was old stadiums that had Radiant Greninja's ability albeit dependant on the type of your active. This is something they could definately bring back though its much weaker and creates more of a stadium war gameplay.

Ive also been told to switch Lumineon/Rotom/Seal stone for Tatsugiri-Rescue board for the time being however concidering how useful the V's abilities have been (and how a new trainer fetcher is printed every so often) i cant see a similar effect not getting released down the line.