Can he be saved?
Hi! This is my Philo White Wizard. I’ve had it 8 months when it was about 4 leaves. Since then, it’s grown like a weed and is probably 3x the size originally (it also has a baby in the pot). Thru summer and fall, it was on autopilot. I misted it regularly and fed/watered it routinely. In the winter I had some travel and some illness so I neglected it a bit. I’ve noticed some browning of the variegation which didn’t surprise me, but also some browning/yellowing random spots in the leaves. Some of the white parts got crispy and fell apart. Its growth slowed way down and I think I saw tiny webs on some of the leaves. I assumed I had a spider mite infestation (despite the plant being by itself, no new plants for months, all other plants are fine). For a few weeks I manually cleaned the leaves and sprayed it with insecticidal soap. It seems better - I haven’t seen any more webs or any bugs.
But I am wondering if I might need to try to propagate/chop it to encourage more growth? I’m hoping with continued TLC and spring around the corner it’ll pick back up but wanted your thoughts. Thank you