What chance does The Way of the Wind have?
The film completed filming 5 years ago, but has in post production ever since. Sounds like a while, but is definitely common for Terence Malick films.
So if we do fortunately see the film release at Cannes, and do very well, do we think the movie has a shot? His last film to do well was The Tree of Life, which was incredibly weird, but still got attention. And whilst projects since did not, that's largely on the lack of narrative and focus on filmmaking. But he's made a change with A Hidden Life, and returned to that style of filmmaking.
Combining that shift back, the success of Tree of Life showing a project of his, with enough narrative can get in, and the fact the premise might lead itself to being narratively focused, I think we might see it become a big player.
It has some uncertainty to it because of Malicks films in general, but I think it can do well if given the environment and especially if it wins the Palme. I don't have it in my predictions at the moment, but I think it has some very high potential.
What are you guys thinking?