Beholders can finally hold their own

For a pieces that is so paranoid and xenophobic, Beholder in 5e have always been incredibly dependant on other monsters to be able to make a sufficient encounter, because so few of their rays (which you activate at random) did any damage.

Granted, just like any boss fight, you should always have multiple creatures, as it makes things more interesting, but even when you do, the Beholder is usually the last monster standing, and your always end up in this weird sort of awkward battle phase where the Beholder is just stun locking PCs waiting either to die or for one of their 2 damaging rays to go off.

As someone who is going to be running a Beholder fight very soon, I am very thankful that more rays deal damage so that these encounters don't feel quite as much like little to nothing is happening turn to turn once all the minions are dead.