Say it in it's entirety- Diversity, Equality, Inclusion!

Stop saying DEI.

I saw a comment on another post that said basically the title. Saying DEI means just about as much to the average person as if you say FQX (this is a made up acronym as an example by the way to emphasize the point).

If we talk about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: say Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. We need to make sure EVERYBODY knows exactly what is going on and what is being attacked.

I am so tired of the common person being so ignorant and so dismissive about what is happening in the US.

Rant concluded.

Edit: Equality changed to Equity because you all said I wAs WrOnG aBoUt WhAt DeI sTaNdS FoR (thanks for the correction, guys, I was wrong and changed what I could).

Also, for those saying I obviously do not know the definitions of the words in question: yes. I do know the definitions (and of BOTH Equity and Equality), do you??