I wanna peg my dude
That’s basically it. I wanna peg my dude, I bet he’d look pretty cute with a dildo shoved up his ass. Like idk I just wanna see him all flustered and moaning loosing himself. I feel bad about it because I’m a woman and I should be the receiving part and I wanna be that too. But I get really off of imagining him like that. Im such a ew.. like I can’t get it out of my head. I want it so bad l wanna hear him beg and moan. Yeah I need help probably.
I feel super grossed out writing this here but there is literally nobody I can talk about this with, cus all my friends are into classic dynamics. Woman = submissive, men= dominant.
No cus this is not even fuckinh funny. My old classmates PREDICTED it. They would always say „yo she will end up a domina or something“ Yeah sure I was very dominant with opinions and I have a temper BUT HOW DO U PREDICT MY EXISTENTIAL CRISIS.