Good news from France !

I just read an article in a (historically conservative) french newspaper about... The recent rise of nudism in France !

I wanted to share with you some of its content : - Since COVID (2019-2022), visiting figures in nudist camps have risen 20% ! - France is now the #1 destination for nudism (2M every year) - The main explanation is : with lockdowns, more and more people want to connect with nature - The main newcomers are... Young, urban people ! - It's easier to feel at ease than before because it's more open than before : you don't need to belong to a nudist association to be accepted, body modifications like tatoos or piercings are more accepted, ... - The most developing type of nudism is urban nudism : nudist visits of museums, nudists spots in public parks, ...

Tell me what you think ! (Sorry for my poor english)

The article for french speakers :