🎶Oh, Oh, Oh No-No!🎶 The MAGA Stuff! (Guess Who?)

Guess who are proud MAGAs?

Sharon Knight (Cross) and David Knight😬. If you look at their Instagram accounts, you'll notice who they follow, whose posts they like, and some of their content is pro-MAGA and Trump.

I've seen Sharon's posts about the "horrible job" Biden had done (ironically, about immigrants), loving MAGAt Lee Greenwood's "Proud to Be an American", and David's gone as far as to post "crying tears of American pride and happiness" about Trump's election and inauguration. (he lives in central Florida, and such posts appeal to his real estate clientele). Sharon doesn't come out and directly make declarations on Instagram, but the MAGA vibe is present. I get the impression that her husband is MAGA, and their daughter is currently choosing colleges in red states—Clemson and another one in South Carolina.

When I noticed their posts and Instagram activity last year, I found myself flummoxed

It's one thing to hold conservative views and vote Republican or Conservative🇨🇦, but MAGA (and Maple MAGA🇨🇦) are a totally different monster of a toxic beast. Awful, gross, egregious, malevolent, and nefarious.

As a Canadian, I'm really disappointed in fellow Canadian Sharon. She, David, Matthew, daughter Emma, Allison, Marlene, Matthew's son, and a few of the other Knight/Putnam crew went Toronto for the shows last summer, posting photos on a Toronto sightseeing tour bus, happy to be reunited with so many cousins and friends.

Sharon and David's MAGA support = likely also "F*ck Trudeau" types who probably championed the Flu Trux Klan/TimBit Taliban/"Freedumb Fighting Patriots" in Ottawa and Windsor, Ontario in 2022. I also don't doubt they're inclined or would be inclined to support the views of far-right, Canadian ex-pat, schmuck, Dr. Jordan Peterson (who now lives in Arizona) and would support Conservative Party of Canada leader, Pierre Poilievre ("Temu Trump" as some call him), too.

Sharon and Allison were born in southern Ontario (their brothers were born after Alan and Marlene emigrated to the U.S. in the mid-60s). They are Canadians—dual citizens. I'm not sure if David has bothered to claim his inherited Canadian citizenship through his ex-pat parents, but I know that Jordan made a point of officializing his with Immigration Canada quite some time ago (I suspect around the time he worked on the CBC show, "Cover Me Canada"). I remember asking Sharon (last year) if her kids have bothered to get their rightful Canadian citizenship through her ("No, but they could if they wanted to."), and noted that "one brother" made a point of getting his dual citizenship (I already knew it was Jordan).

Again: there is a big difference between holding right-of-centre, fiscally and socially conservative views and... the incendiary, far-right, (often socially and educationally) ignorant, angry, aggressive, arrogant, divisive, indoctrinated, toxic cult of MAGA and supporting the lies, manipulations, delusions, malignant narcissist, Heir Trumpf! He is and has always been unfit for office; this election was likely BOUGHT by Elon Musk (who is also, coincidentally and unfortunately, a CANADIAN CITIZEN through his mother, Mae—who was born in Regina, Saskatchewan), and the harm being done to MILLIONS of people by the batshit crazy current U.S. administration is heartbreaking! They're making America great again for the 1% of billionaires and oligarchs.

A lot of people are going to SUFFER losses—including their livelihoods, health, homes, family units, and lives. Project 2025 was always intended, is real, and SO MANY people in the U.S. are and will continue to be harmed by what the administration, theocracy (Christian Nationalists—the apostolic, charismatic cuckoos, INC, Pentecostals, New Apostolic Reformation tyrants and fear mongers) are aggressively and gleefully doing: "draining from the swamp", for their own, self-serving agenda.

Don't get me started on the BULLSHIT claims about "Canadian border security, fentanyl and illegal immigrants entering the U.S." claims—it was NEVER about tariffs or "Canada taking advantage of the U.S. with unbalanced trade deficits" either! All of this BULLSHIT is Trump's MUZZLE VELOCITY to flood the media with distractions (as President Musk et all calls the shots, destabilizing everything and everyone for the benefit of very few). "Canada will become the 51st state" claims (and the idiots who can't understand why this is so offensive and delusional—like Canadians should be "happy to become part of the best country in the world" or want/deserve to be "annexed"?!)... this is all about Heir Trumpf wanting access to Canada's natural resources—oil, gas, aluminum, water, lumber, nickel, minerals, potash, steel, and inevitably the Northwest Passage (just like he wants the Panama Canal and Greenland's natural resources)!

It'll never happen! (Trump's ignorance and bullying has UNITED most Canadians in a fierce way!)

Oh, to be a fly on the (shit-covered, fetid) walls, overhearing possible discussions or arguments between Sharon Knight, her husband, David Knight, his wife, Jonathan and Harvey, Jordan, Marlene Putnam, other Knight/Putnam relatives in Canada, and Reverend Alan Knight!🫨

Reverend Alan Knight was the FIRST PERSON I thought of during Bishop Mariann Budde's homily at Washington's National Cathedral last month. Alan Knight is an Episcopal priest in New Hampshire. Mariann Budde has been the Episcopal Church's Bishop of Washington since 2011. The Episcopal Church is part of the worldwide Anglican Communion—just like the Anglican Church of Canada and those elsewhere in the world, who are headed by the Church of England (Anglo-Catholic faith). The U.S. Episcopal Church is an offshoot of the Church of England: the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer is near-identical to the Anglican Book of Common Prayer, but without the connection to the Church of England and its supreme head (currently, King Charles III; Elizabeth II prior). The U.S. Episcopal Church formed after the American Revolution, breaking ties between Britain and its monarch. Same tenets, beliefs, "smells and bells", type of worship... without reference to Britain, its monarch, or mother church!

The Episcopal Church is one of the most progressive, welcoming, and socially evolved Protestant faiths in the U.S. (Likewise, the Anglican Church of Canada and Church of England!) Women are ordained; divorce is permitted; remarriage after divorce is permitted; most Episcopal and Anglican congregations welcome, support, and marry LGTBQI2S+ people (there are High Anglican branches of the church who DO NOT and WILL NOT—per the Anglo-Catholic roots).

IMAGINE what Rev. Alan Knight thought as he heard/watched Bishop Budde's homily—her authentic Christianity, courageously imploring Heir Trumpf to show mercy, love, kindness, and compassion for those who are being persecuted, lives upended, and harmed. IMAGINE what Rev. Alan Knight felt as he watched Dump's reaction in the pews, heard his critical words of Bishop Budde and the service (because she called him out in HER CHURCH—the capitol's CATHEDRAL and where U.S. Presidents have long worshipped—for HIS conduct; this wasn't the first time), and then saw the REACTION of so-called "Christians" of MAGA calling for Budde's ex-communication, saying that she "wasn't a real Christian", and some wishing death upon her. IMAGINE how Alan Knight felt, as an Episcopal priest with a gay, married son; a daughter and another son (who he raised in the Episcopal faith, per its progressive evolution, acceptance, love, and honouring a loving Father/Son/Holy Spirit)... who are now pro-Trump, MAGA, and believing that Trump is putting "America first", harming SO many people, and with the intent to HARM FELLOW CANADIANS, too!

Oy, vey!😵‍💫

Sharon and David Knight have been pretty quiet on Instagram over the past four weeks.

*Note: I am a proud, born/raised Canadian who's lived in Canada for my entire 50 years of life. Born in Windsor, Ontario (where I lived 1974-1977); lived in suburban Toronto, Ontario (1977-1981), and have been in beautiful British Columbia since Sept, 1981. (Tiny Smithers, BC—12 hours north of Vancouver; I lived in Vancouver 1996-2016, and am now back in Smithers.) I am ALSO a baptized member of the Anglican Church of Canada, but wasn't raised observantly in the faith. My British emigrant grandparents were DEVOUT members of the Church of England/Anglican Church of Canada; they were also my godparents. Very old-school, conservative-minded, and High-Anglican Church-leaning (Anglo-Catholic). Even THEY, with their conservative, religious views and convictions: would have ABHORRED Trump, and applauded Bishop Budde. (They passed away in 2010 and 2019, and are likely saddened by what's been happening.)\