Why Hasn't There Been a "Crash Course: Mathematics"?
I'm sure I'm not the only one that has asked this question. I've been following and watching Crash Course basically since the beginning, and that entire time, I thought the CC: Mathematics is just right around the corner.
But, now that we're doing CC: "Sex-ED", it's looking more and more likely like this just isn't happening and just feels wrong and egregious?
What gives?
Too broad?
That can't be it.
You could just break it up - CC: "Basic Arithmetic", CC: "Algebra", CC: "College Algebra", etc.
Did I miss something here?
Crash Course has a particular form of presentation of information that I enjoy. That is why I prefer them over a ton of other available, similar resources. That others have done math, such as Khan Academy, so well, doesn't track. Khan was doing Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and most other relevant STEM subjects before Crash Course.
As great as Khan is, there is a reason I deviated away from them after Crash Course came about, over time.