Is it worth it?

I'm a 33 y/o male working as a cop in a small town, possibly moving to a bigger city. I already have a bachelor's degree in linguistics, although the only job I can really get with is teaching English overseas. Been there done that. I'm not married and have no kids, but as I'm older I'm a bit worried about my body being able to handle even BCT.

My primary plan is to go HUMINT or linguist, but idk if that would be possible given I was arrested at 17 with a felony charge, but no conviction. I believe I scored a 97 on the PiCAT and I can't remember how I did on the actual ASVAB 1 year ago, but in the 90s.

The idea is to stay the full ride so I can retire with military retirement and police pension (this is not the purpose for signing, just the goal for length in).

So, those of you in or out, do you think it's worth signing on with the Guard? I've heard so many mixed things about it being a terrible decision and being an ok decision.

Appreciate your input.