3-4 character non-binary names that start with letters A-O. No c’s or k’s.
I actually wrote a program to get the resulting list with most of these conditions, but the list is too overwhelming with hundreds of combinations. Would love ideas for name suggestions with following conditions: 1. Non-binary / gender-neutral 2. 3 or 4 characters long. 3. First character starts with any characters from A-O (no names starting with P-Z). 4. Is not a word that is easily made fun of. 5. No c’s or k’s. Think about if a Starbucks barista will spell the name right most times. 6. Does not end with “ax” because our dog’s name is Pax. (Although I LOVE the name Dax, esp because of the Star Trek genderbending character reference.) 7. Is not a curse word or bad word in some other language.
This a crazy long condition list, so if you have any names that fulfill this, I would appreciate any ideas that pop up!! Thanks all!