Saving Private Ryan
I HATE OPHUM!!!! Aasaghhhhhh
But seriously, this is such a good movie. One of my favorites. I watched it again last night. But I am so confused as to Ophums character arc. Let me give a survey of his growth. He is scared to fight. He defends the German captive after the radio tower fight. He says it's wrong to kill POWs. The German is freed. Later he is too scared to go up into the room and save fish from getting horribly killed. Then that same POW that they let go at the radio tower shoots Tom Hanks and kills him. Again Ophum theoretically could have prevented this, although I have a little more sympathy for him not intervening when there are four or five Germans on the other side of the trench with him. Regardless, the battle is over and the five Germans surrender the one recognizes Ophum and Ophum shoots him. Then the camera looks at him as sort of a hero? Like the light shined on him and the audience is supposed to feel he did good? Idk I was so confused by this part. Is the audience supposed to be proud of him? He filled me with disgust and hatred and that finally cowardly act made me incredibly angry. Oh now that there is no chance of you getting hurt you are ready to kill a surrendering enemy soldier? One who was just doing his job like before? What a deviant. A character as treacherous as Judas or Brutus.