Why i don't like Fury Road
The Original Mad Max movies had something special, a doze of philosophical question cleverly packed with a doze of action. In them, we followed a protagonist who had it all and lost it in a whirlwind of events out of his control. A simple character yet highly effective in his role of making the viewer identify with him. Max Rockatansky was a charismatic, quick-witted and very capable individual played by a perfectly fit actor Mel Gibson. The rest of the world was populated with little bit of same, simple yet affective side characters who fitted the world perfectly. In that regard, Fury Road follows suit. It was also populated by a large number of unforgettable characters. But i want to go back to original movies.
Original Max movies also used action to keep interset of viewers but the question was always there.Human survival, fall of society norms and of human morals. The movies did have action but there was more than enough of the world for the question to stay there. How do you continue when everything you know is gone? How do you keep or shape your principles in this new world. New societies arose but Max stayed alone. Was he mad, angry or just broken? Or did he just found some strength in pure survival mode. Maybe in the end his warrior spirit is the only thing that was left. Pushing him always forward to the edge. You can keep wondering.
Fury Road on the other hand is like going to a concert of the old Rock Band that most of the original members left. It is great, it will do but it isn't the same. In its base Fury Road is a great movie. But to me it is not Mad Max movie. Was Max so far gone that his character couldn't occupy even the main role. Because Fury Road is Mad Max movie only in name. Yes, they should have just made a new band. But then they would earn less. Fortunately unlike Gladiator 2,Fury Road is good movie. It is action packed perfection that should have been called Furiosa or what ever the original plan was. We could have gotten now old Mel Gibson in one of his defining roles playing old Max. Putting a last touch to a character that deserves it. Can old body keep up with unvanquishable spirit? But hey, at least he didn’t end up becoming a Marvel superhero like the Jedi did.And no,i havent seen the last movie nor do i have plans to.