When people call something awful just because they don't like it

I'm willing to bet most of us have had to defend our taste in music, movie or anything in general that we enjoy, to either strangers online because they're telling you that it's awful: awful music, awful band, awful actor etc. Everyone is entitled to a preference, ofc. It sets each of us apart and gives us our own individuality. However, just because you don't enjoy something doesn't make it awful. I despise Onion with a passion, but that doesn't make it terrible food.

Now i have no idea why i feel so strongly about this topic, probably because I've had to defend a lot of music or film preferences to people over the years. But it infuriates me so irrationally, that i feel like i have to get involved even if the topic has nothing to do with me.

People are always gonna disagree about things, I'm not naieve to that. But is it really so hard to just say "I'm not a fan" or even nothing at all? Rather than say "why do you enjoy xyz it's terrible, it's awful" it shows a lack of understanding, empathy and makes you seem really ignorant IMO.

If you've reached the end, thank you for reading my infuriated rant 😂