Artificial Sweeteners were my migraine trigger for 19 years

Artificial Sweeteners. For years I would have migraines which would leave me bedridden and vomiting from pain. For 19 years I would have these episodes, sometimes twice in a week and sometimes not for 3 months.

Nobody told me that artificial sweeteners can cause migraines. I am posting this because as of this month I have been migraine free for two years.

I was never diagnosed with an intolerance, or pointed this way by a professional. A friend of my wife's just suggested the possibility and I ran with it out of hope.

No sugar free squash No fizzy drinks (except full fat Coke) No yougarts with sweeteners No fruit ciders (mostly have sweeteners)

If you haven't given this a try, it's worth it to find out how many of your migraines are caused or exacerbated by a build up of the salts from artificial sweeteners like aspartame.