Anger Issues from Compassion Fatigue

I have a friend who struggles with mental health issues, and even though I know I can’t fix him, I still get triggered by negative thoughts about him. It’s like his problems stick in my mind, even on days when he hasn’t cried or complained.

The less time I spend with him, the better I feel, but the thoughts don’t completely go away. Sometimes, the frustration builds into anger. I get so overwhelmed that I lash out by biting my fingers or a pillow, not to self-harm but just to release that pent-up frustration. On really bad days, I feel like punching something, and I’ve even punched myself because I didn’t know where else to channel the anger.

To make things worse, I’ve been on the NHS waiting list for counseling for ages with no progress, so I don’t have professional support.

Has anyone else dealt with this kind of lingering anger and frustration? How do you manage these feelings when professional help isn’t an option?