doing anking sketchy micro/pharm until finals?
how are you using these two anking decks? I'm not traditionally a flashcard person, although I love how these cards are updated in real time. I have a 15x day streak that I'd love to cling onto, but I do feel like it is diminishing returns. I feel like I already know most of the early bugs and drugs, and at this point, I only need to review them lightly for step along with a TON of practice problems. I'm worried that if I keep up with the cards, I might not have time for practice problems + coursework + content review. not to mention, the sheer amount of path and physio that i still need to review! Has anyone ever tried just maturing these two decks, then leaving the decks alone? Kind of scared to do it even though I barely used anki last year. if anyone has any experiences with this, please let me know what you tried and if it worked - Thanks!