How to help my GF have fun?

I (22M) have recently been told by my gf (21F) that she doesn’t enjoy playing with me that much but she enjoys playing with her friends. The issues she’s brought up is that I, “always need to win”, and, “cannot lose.” For context, this isn’t one of those things where it turns out that the bf gets mad or anything, what this actually means is that I usually get MVP and am naturally above average on any character and really good at a select few. My assumption is that SBMM is making it difficult for her to have an impact on the game as much as she would playing with her friends and idk what I can really do about it. Help?

Context that might help a lot here:

I’m GM3 and she’s Plat3. I’m going to sound very egotistical in the next couple statements, apologies in advance. I’ve played hero shooters for a loooong time compared to her, I simply am better at games than her. I suspect she doesn’t have the skill set to get above plat for a while if at all, I’ve seen her play and it’s definitely not the best. I suspect that I might be able to climb a smidge higher if I cared enough to. I hit GM, played like 7 games and didn’t move, and only have done QP for the two weeks proceeding (present) to learn more heroes since I did it mostly with Groot.

I have never cared that she’s not as good as me, I’ve never gotten upset with her for it, I just enjoy playing with her. We live together IRL and stuff too if that means anything to anyone.

Her main concerns explained again and further: she cannot get MVP with me in the team. Even when I fill and play strategist, I usually end up getting it. She doesn’t have this problem with her friends because they also aren’t as good as me. She is self aware too, she knows that compared to me she doesn’t have much impact on the game and it’s usually determined by me if we win or lose since it’s QP and randoms don’t really care (which is valid, I also don’t care it’s QP).

Its hurt me a lot to see this unfold because I just enjoy her company and want to be able to share this passion that I’ve had my whole life. We don’t have many common interests but love each other a lot, so to possible loss this is a nightmare. Any ideas?

Edit: just in the off chance anyone wants to see my profile for reference

Mine is: Feet onPP