People can be so mean

I would say I can play any role, but majority of it I’ve had to play 18hours or so of Magneto, because people are allergic to playing tanks in diamond.

Last night was a rough one. We managed to keep wolverine unbanned for our teammate, but they also had a wolverine. As you know, I got kidnapped a lot, had to save my bubble for my self, and could hardly make and space as a solo Magneto tank.

I did hit my counter ult consistently vs their cloak, had that going for me.

Lost the first round. Proceeded to get abuse from an IW saying “Surely you’re not a tank main, you’re not doing anything right” So he insta locked Magneto, and I went to IW. Then obviously we lost, they had a more coordinated team.

He couldn’t make any space either. He then said “you can’t even play IW either”

Idk man, stuff like that makes me not want to play tank anymore. I go Tank for the team, because they never want to. I would say I’m a decent Magneto. Nearly lord just by playing him on comp, but stuff like this is demoralising.