If support ults are nerfed, everyone will die.

Everyone is begging for support ults to be nerfed nowadays. Especially Luna's 12 second ult, C&D's just as long ult that she gets every minute, and Loki being able to copy them.

I agree, they are annoying to play against, and I wouldn't mind if they increased the energy requirements.

However, keep in mind that there are damaging ults which are just as strong. By nerfing support ults, you will be more vulnerable to some really crazy ults that will decide teamfights instead.

I'm talking Punisher ult, melting anyone in sight, and if he gets a Strange shield or Magneto bubble or anything else to keep him alive (common in higher ranks), you're just screwed without a support ult.

Same for Starlord ult. Without a support ult, you will be shredded, and even if you focus him, you can't really stop him from wiping your supports in a second. Did you know there's even an animation cancel for his ult?

Psylocke ult is tough, too. If your team isn't grouped up properly or doesn't have barriers, you're taking crazy damage and likely losing people. Even if you are grouped up, you're still taking big damage while the other 5 enemies are shooting you.

Hela ult is still too strong imo and forces everyone into hiding or dying unless you have a Strange with fly and a healthy shield and enough hp to not get shot down from behind.

Some of these ults are almost as long as support ults, too.

Strange ult easily wins fights and has a humongous radius.

Groot ult easily wins fights and has a pretty big radius, though admittedly Groot combos with some ults that already kill through support ults anyways.

Etc. Rivals seems to have the philosophy of everything being OP. I wouldn't mind nerfing support ults, but then the game might just become who can get dps ult and wipe the enemy team first, which isn't ideal either...