What Could Have Been

I had high hopes for RoP, I really really did. I’ll give it props for being visually pretty, and the music is top notch, the actors are doing their best with what they’ve been given and that there ARE writers who really do care about the work and the world they are in. But the show is a failure. A solid D tier show. But it could have been so great. I do believe that.

The problem with the show ultimately is lack of focus. We have too many main characters, Elendil, Galadrial, Elrond, the Stranger etc etc. this leads to too many storylines, too much thematic whiplash and general incoherence. This can’t be spackled over with book and movie references, which at this point are salt in the wound. Anyone who says its because black elves and dwarves and hobbits can be dismissed out of hand.

The first step to fixing this is to have all roads lead to a main character and the main character of this series is SAURON. Every storyline needs to be building up for Sauron to be present and to put his hand into the mix. So five seasons, five acts for Sauron to start somewhere and end somewhere.

Season One: Sauron trying to redeem himself, we get background info, we see him try, we see him fail, we see him fall.

Season Two: Sauron in Eregion and the forging of the Rings. Sauron goes in with his plan, tricks the elves, forges the Rings, the Three are forged without his knowledge, the One is forged. Shit hits fan, pedal meets metal, here we go.

Season Three: Saurons war with the Elves. Sauron gathers his army, wrecks havoc, takes the Rings, we see he is now too depraved to redeem. Sauron disperses the rings to dwarves and men.

Season Four: Saurons war with Numenor. Sauron is captured, gives last three of the nine to men of Numenor and corrupts the island against the Valar. Numenor is sunk.

Season Five: War of the Last Alliance. Sauron at the height of his power and then his fall. Series end.

Within that structure there is room for several plot threads than can be worked but must be kept TIGHT.

Eregion/Moria; Celebrimbor/Narvi: Establish the friendship between the realms and smiths, make us think Legolas and Gimli. Sauron comes in and turns them against each other, set up tragedy.

Numenor/Men of Middle Earth: Set up Numenors descent into imperialism and arrogance, first helping then exploiting the men of middle earth mainly for lumber. Room for ent conflict. Sauron uses resentment to win men to his side against Numenor.

From there we have smaller plots that can be addressed every few episodes but are always in service to the larger plots:

Mordor: If we MUST. Orcs establishing a home, parallel to Sauron’s desire for redemption. If we want to get tragic show the orcs beginning to succeed and reform but then Sauron ruining it

Ents/Entwives: Primarily for the Brownlands tragedy. We could have hobbits here if we MUST have hobbits. Entwives bury their heads in sand over threats, ents trying to protect the forests from Numenors lust for timber. Gardens of Entwives burned, hobbits set to wandering, Ents are alone.

Gil-Galad/Elrond/Galadriel/Cirdan: Generally being suspicious of Sauron, provide background info on elves, not getting involved until too late due to arrogance/pride/complancy.

The show really could have been so good. And it breaks my heart at what we have been given. Perhaps I’ll write a video essay or something going into detail or something.