Drinking one "coffees" per day
I woke up the other day and had a thought that my drinking one Starbucks drink a day was not normal.
I'm going through a tough time in my life where friends have dropped out and I've never been close to family. I feel more alienated than ever to the people that are left in my life due to high political polarization, the stressful economy, and people hitting new milestones. I sit in coffee shops to feel close to people with my lattes and mochas. It's not even real coffee but rather a few drops with my liquid sugar.
One of my pregnant friends cried to me once that she had started eating ice cream daily due to her cravings and I sat blankly having done essentially the same thing as a childless person who goes out for "treaties" every day.
I don't feel like I eat a ton, but I snack a lot and I've found it impossible to lose even five pounds. I think I'm addicted to the sugary drinks and I'm on my third day of saying no but I still indulge in desserts.
How often are you guys indulging in Starbucks, or some equivalent?
Please wake me up if one a day is abnormal. I'm seriously wondering if quitting will finally help me lose the sticky ten pounds I want off.