In the Alex Jones bankruptcy case who wins the auction?

In the Alex Jones bankruptcy case who wins the auction?

Alex is claiming his bid for Infowars was higher than the Onions. However others are claiming the Onions was higher since it enables other creditors to receive more in recovery, by relinquishing their claim to a portion of the bankrupt estate.

I've seen Onions bid listed as $2.7 million valuation, or $7 million. The $7 million is if you include what Alex's lawyers are claiming is monopoly money. In other words, the creditors would receive more money from Alex's bid. It smells like the trustee was avoiding Alex regaining control of Infowars, by not having the live bidding round where Alex with extremely wealthy friends could beat any offer offered by the Sandy Hook families. Alex's sealed bid was $3.5 million.

So, what happens with the sale? think it most likely goes to Alex, or does this all go up to a higher court to resolve? It sounds like the judge was unhappy with how the auction was handled.