Am I taking too many metabolism-booster supplements ? Senna Tea, Black Seed Oil, Apple Cider Vinnegar ? Any thoughts ?
I am currently trying to speed up my metabolism and my fat loss so that I can finally get some abs. I’ve been doing my research on YouTube and various platforms, these three are the most common that I have seen:
- Senna Tea Powder (into my protein smoothies)
- Black Seed Oil pill
- Apple Cider Vinnegar Pill
I recently discovered that Senna Tea is actually a LAXATIVE. Are these other two (ACV + Black Seed Oil) laxatives as well ?
Should I speak to my gastroenterologist. I am a bit scared to start using these on a regular basis. I had a horrible stomach virus that basically gave me gastroenteritis.
How often should I use them ?
I am currently at 12.8% body fat (173.8 Ibs), and my goal body fat is 8% (160 goal weight).
Any thoughts on how to use these pills ?
Any other recommendations for getting abs ?