Ashe support

Hi, just wanted to share my thoughts on the currently "more popular than ever" Ashe support and my issues with her.

Generally I am not someone who goes out of his way to complain about poke supports, as in my experience/understanding, they have rather clear weaknesses that can usually be punished well by correct drafting and in-game decisions. This is no different with Ashe support either, she is slow and squishy, so hard engage and early jgl ganks should generally shut her down in lane (usually in a dominant fashion).

My issue with Ashe support is the cases where for whatever reason, the pick/lane doesn't get punished enough and game stalls out into mid-late/late game. Ashe's poke is one thing, it's strong for how spammable it is, but some MR on frontline can usually negate it enough. The biggest issue is her Ultimate's CD once she has items, her CDR boots and more points in it.

For an ability that is so strong/game changing vs anything that doesn't stack tenacity, it's on a ridiculously low CD. Having it fly off every 20-ish or less seconds late game from a random spot can basically decide a game at any given point, especially with comps where you can layer CC and poke well.

Ashe's Ultimate is balanced around an utility ADC, who doesn't stack limitless CDR, not around the currently trending Ashe support. And I would assume most of the frustration vs this specific pick comes from this, rather than her W spam (even if that is annoying as well). The fact that this champ became an actually viable support pick in plat+ (even if it's not great) should be a red flag for the balance team IMO. And I really hope that something will be done about this aspect of the champ in the near future, because games should not be decided by a global, long lasting CC ability with a gigantic hitbox spammed in every 20ish seconds.