Why Does League’s Queue System Suck?
To be clear, I’m not referring to the occasional game where you’ll go up against someone a few ranks above you or the games where you get teammates that are way below you, but why does the actual way we queue have to be so limiting and counterproductive half the time?
So you have to queue for two roles, one of them has more priority over the other, but if neither is a ‘priority role’ you could end up getting forced into a role you didn’t wanna play. That doesn’t seem fun at all.
A couple of common answers I’ve gotten from friends is either about queue times and/or it incentivizes you to play other roles sometimes. To those, I call bs. If queue times for certain roles are high, that’s the trade off for if you wanna play that role. The more popular roles wait a bit longer and the least popular roles can get into games quicker, why force multiple roles to the people who are willing to wait the extra minutes? The last thing I want when getting on after work is to queue up for a role I want to play in CASUALS and have to trifle through a game on another role since leaving gives you penalties.
I recently had 3 games in a row where my primary role was skipped over, all those over the span of two days and bith days I got on after work so I was just trying to relax and play. I left two of them in the pregame and , naturally, I got a big penalty. A penalty, because I didn’t want to play a role in a casual playlist.
Like look at Overwatch, you can pick the roles you want and you can ignore the ones you don’t. Bam! That simple! I get that league has more roles, but there will always be people playing flex, and/or playing the unpopular roles. I don’t see why we can’t just have that queue system implemented into the game, it makes zero sense.